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Low Flow Pole Dance Class - Lower Interm

Für alle ab lower intermediate level, probiert unsere tolle Low Flow Class aus ;)

12 Euro


Experience the graceful art of pole dancing with our Low Flow Pole Dance Class at Zero Gravity Studio. This class is perfect for lower intermediate levels, where you will discover new tricks, transitions, and combinations while exploring the lower part of the pole. Embrace the freedom as you glide smoothly across the floor and around the pole in this unique and captivating class. Join us and let your creativity soar!

Umbuchung & Kündigung

Absage Frist: 24h , danach ist der Betrag bzw. der Abstrich der Karte fällig. Cancellations are allowed in a 24h time window before class start, otherwise you will loose your credit.


  • Zero Gravity Pole Studio UG, Berschweilerstraße, Baumholder, Germany


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